Easter weekend left me feeling dizzy.
There was a 3 hour phone call that was so sweet it was actually bittersweet. There was this feeling of hope for another chance at what I had worked so hard on twice before. There was the realization that I never actually got over him. It was when he said he thought I hated him and I should hate him that I decided that you can't hate someone who is holding your heart in their hands.
I came back to Chicago wondering why that phone call couldn't have happened a day or two earlier so we could've had more time to have those awkward clicking feelings...
I waited for a month. I thought about it every day. I hoped with all my heart, I wished on dandelion fuzz, and I wished at 11:11.
This weekend at home was my chance. I waited to see what would happen. Did he even remember that phone call? Does he think about me? Does he really feel the way I hear he does and does he really say these things that I hear or do I just have a sis who fancies them up to make me feel good?
This weekend was my chance. I have come out of it happy yet incredibly scared. I don't usually use my head. I am very driven by my heart. I have a tendency to skip the talking and go straight for the feeling. I probably should have done some talking this time.
Add and I left the cabin Monday morning. I said ciao and waved not thinking much because hell, I'll be back in 2 weeks (10 days actually). Add and I wanted to hang out Monday night as well and so the idea was thrown out at boys night to maybe include us girls and go see a movie.
That idea didn't fly but it sure did make me realize that I am an IDIOT...
Can't we go to the movies tomorrow? That's what he said... Krista's leaving tomorrow... Leaving?... Yeah she's going back to Chicago... For how long?! That's what he said...
If it was hard for me to leave for these 10 days before it was heart breaking, earth shattering, full of regret that I as leaving after I heard all of this. I don't have regrets... Or at least I didn't until then. It's not that I assumed he knew I was leaving. It's that I didn't even think about it. Does that reaction from him mean that he's been missing me as much as I've been missing him?
What if that night at the cabin, that night full of cuddling and being immensely happy, was only that way because I was home. What if those feeling change for him now that he knows I'm not home for good? Can he handle it this time? Can he handle missing me for 3 days a week in June and for a week or 2 in July and August? Can he just love me enough to wait for me to come home once a month throughout the fall?
Does he like me? Does he love me? Does he just like having me to fall back on? I hate even thinking that. I don't want to think that he's anything but real but it's always in the back of my mind.
Can we try this on more time? I'm willing if he is. I'll always be willing.