Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!!!

WOOHOO!!! Dichterliebe analysis done! I finished last night before I went to sleep and now today I just feel like a whole new person! I no longer hate school and I think the rest of these two weeks will go by just fine. Apparently that paper was one huge sack of bricks in my bag because now I just feel like playing and scooting with the kids and just going crazy! 

I can't wait to be back in Michigan for the summer!!! Camping, UP, parties, taco house, ice cream, and my friends!!! It's coming quick. 24 days to be exact. May 31st in the later evening I will be home and so far I have no plans until Sunday so I'm up for grabs for Saturday night anything! 

 Owosso, be prepared for hurricane Krista. You will be left completely rocked!

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