Sunday, June 22, 2008

She works hard for the money...

10. One hour back at Domino's and I'm already hooked! I love the job, the people, the food, and the overall atmosphere. I went in last night to do the nightly inventory and Luke told me it takes him about 30 minutes. My first time doing it... 50minutes!!! I was proud of myself and I am excited to go in tomorrow and have my first shift running experience!

9. Gordon's birthday bash was a blast! A ton of cool people were there. My fave find of the night was John's buddy Danny. Super cool dude, looked like TMV, and kept the hookah under control (which is usually Johns job). No details... (you already know them!)... but it was a goo time with some fun people new and old!

8. Add, Jack and I met Kim's BF today. He's just too damn old. He seemed nice even though I didn't really talk to him or even attempt to act like I wanted to. I didn't do it on purpose, he just seemed too mature for me to chat it up with. I had fun singing and dancing with Add.

7. The tennis is coming along nicely. Add and I are going to play tomorrow night after work and hopefully we will be able to keep a nice volley going for more than 4 hits...

6. I watched Bourne Ultimatum tonight with Kendra and Julie. It was a killer movie! I want to see the first two now!!!! Mike and Christopher showed up later and we all hung out for a bit before parting ways.

5. The garage sale this weekend went nicely. I made 70 bones on Friday and 65 on Saturday. I was totally cool with making all that cash from a bunch of stuff I don't need or want anymore.

4. Girls Camping Trip kicks off Wednesday night when we get together to pack the car!! Thursday morning we are on the road and off to the beach for the day before we have to set up the tent! Woohoo for melanoma!

3. I am extremely tired. I have had a hookah hangover all day and my eyes and head hurt from my allergies. It feels like I've been crying for a week. My eyes just want to close and never open again!! AHHHH...

2. I bought a new bike today!! Who's ready for bike rides?!!

1. This post has far too many updates in the form of random rambling. Also, sorry for the missing sense of a timeline as I tend to jump from day to day and then back a week and then to the present again... I'm just not feeling the time thing. Time is lame.

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